Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pink Pigs Play Peek-a-boo

Celebrating the letter "P"

Treasure Chest

Pilgrim Top Hats How To

- Chocolate candy melts (yellow and chocolate)
- Large marshmallows
- Striped cookies

 Melt chocolate in double broiler or microwave. Insert tooth pick into marshmallows and dip into chocolate. Flip over the cookies so the strips are facing down and push the tooth pick through the center hole so the chocolate covered marshmallow is centered and setting on the cookie.  Allow chocolate to dry and repeat.  Once dry, melt yellow chocolate melts in microwave.  Using a small Ziploc bag cut the tip off, very small.  Use the bag as your piping bag:)  Now go around the marshmallow with the yellow chocolate to decorate it with the buckle.

You should be able to make the entire package of cookies if needed.  There is examples on the Internet for this fun activity however most use a Reese cup.

Corn on the Cob How To

-Homemade rice crispy treats or store bought
-Fruit roll ups
-Popsicle sticks
-Yellow sugar crystals

I made homemade treats however store bought ones would work just as good. Cut a rectangle piece of treat about 2 in by 1 in and wrap around the stick so it will stay.  Take a fruit roll up and cut in half.  Wrap around the treat to act as a husk.  Finally dip the rice crispy treat in yellow sugar.  There is ten fruit roll ups so you will make about 20 corn on the cobs:)